
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Seafood time..

Sekarang nak update pasal kteorg makan seafood kat Sabah. Tak nak cite panjang, tengok aje ler gambar2 yg sempat snap nie

Nie menu ikan kerapu masak 3 rasa..yang hirisan2 atas ikan nie bukan mangga tau tapi apple..

Nie plak scallop masak pe ntah..lupe dah

Yang nie aku suka sangat r. Oyster masak ginger..terbaek r

Udang masak butter kering...sedap sgt2 tau.

Air pilihan kteorg yang bersusun..hehehe

Lala masak xtau gak. Tapi cara masakan nie paling aku suka. Die de macam rasa kari tapi kering. Sangat2 best

Sayur campur yang mahal. RM12 utk 1 piring nie. 2nd time datang kteorg dah xorder sayur pun. mahal sgt kot n amaun ckit. xberbaloi

Lastly, gambar aku n Ekin. Abaikan tudung indon yang aku pakai. Malas nak iron2 tudung. Juz nak p makan je pun, sarung sudah. Actually nie semua picture time p makan 1st time r. 2nd time dah malas nak snap gambar. Kteorg makan benda yang berbeza r utk 2nd time tu macam kepah, kerang, bamboo pe ntah yang panjang2. Ikan xmakan. Ketam pun kteorg makan for both times tapi xsempat nak snap picture coz lambat sangat die serve. Tangan dah comot so malas nak pegang nset utk snap2 picture..tu jeah, bye

Monday, October 10, 2011

Kundasang, Sabah

Last weekend we all had spent some great times in Kundasang, Sabah. Lotz of interesting places we had visited during this trip. So, here I attached some of the pictures that we took all the day.

bergambar ngn bunga rafflesia. nasib baik time kteorg p sini, musim bunga nie tgh bloom if not xdapat ler tgk. Ingat senang2 ke nak amik gambar ngn bunga nie, ssh ok.. Kteorg sampai kena baring kat atas lantai sambil tangan paut pada tiang coz bunga nie dah dipagar gtu..semangat tol kn.nak tgk bunga nie kne bayar RM10 and berjalan selama 3 minit ke dalam hutan.

Berlatar belakangkan gunung tertinggi di Asia Tenggara, Gunung Kinabalu r. cantik sgt view kat sini..kabus beb

Another great picture at the same spot..hehehe

Nie ngan Thiru n Ekin.. Macam scene drama tak?!!hehehe

Wei Wen, Thiru, Ekin, me n Dila..

Some of the pictures time melawat ladang lembu.. Sempat r kteorg tgk proses susu lembu diperah n dpt minum susu yg super fresh n sedap..

Nie gambar time kteorg p hot spring. de mcm2 aktiviti kat cni, de tmn kupu-kupu (tp tutup), kawasan air terjun n canopy walk (aku xjoin coz gayat..dieorg je p)..

Sebelum balik sempat r kteorg singgah beli sayur n buah-buahan. Kundasang nie sejuk macam Cameron Highland.. De r jual strawberry n sayur2 beriklim sejuk. Tapi sayangnya aku rasa harga die a bit mahal if nak compare ngn harga kat Cameron.

Okey, nie je.

Lok Kawi Wildlife Centre

Ok, nie plak time kteorg p tgk haiwan2..yg penting nak tgk monyet belanda a.k.a proboscis. So, malas nak taip panjang2, juz nak share some pictures..

Nie ostrich..xtau nak terangkan ape..hehehe

Nie plak beruang tgh berdiri..kre bertuah r time nie dpt snap coz tibe2 je kn die beraksi.


Nie ler monyet belanda..mmg patut pun dipanggil monyer belanda coz de ala2 mcm org belanda kn coz ngn bdn putih, rambut perang n hidung mancung..hehehe

Nie burung kenyalang..

Malas nak cte pjg, so entry nie disudahi ngn picture kteorg..(pakai baju keje..hehehe)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Mari-mari Cultural Village

Entry ni dalam Malay...hehehe..Malas nak tulis fully akan selit2 jeah eh.Okey, dis time nak share my trip to Mari-mari Cultural Village in Sabah. FYI, I've been in Sabah for a quite sometime jugak r.Around 2 months already.Another a month to go before packing2 balik semenanjung..Xsabar tol.hehehe.Bukan ler sebab xsyok dok kat cni, but of coz r merindui kehidupan disemenanjung especially makanan2 best,family n org tersyg..chewah..hehehe

K, malas nak merepek and straight away juz nak share a few pictures during dis trip.Enjoy!!!

Nie macam landmark bagi tempat nie r

Nie tengah merasa jus pandan and kuih jala

Dieorang de hidang madu gak. Tapi xrasa pun.member2 je merasa. hehehe

Nie demo wat rice wine kot..xingat sangat ler..hehehe

Nie kat umah orang dusun. Kat cni de 5 jenis rumah tradisional dipamerkan selain umah orang dusun de gak umah orang rungus, murut, lundayeh and bajau

Alamak, gambar adalah tidak mengikut susunan cerita.Actually, dis was the last part. Dieorang de wat performance r. Tarian2 tradisi r. Tapi xkisah r kan. layan jeah picture2 nie..hehehe

Nie kat rumah murut, de sesi memakai inai.cantik kn..ske2..

Nie plak one of the orang murut yang sambut guest r.dieorg de wat macam2 demo r mcm menyumpit, lompat2 rebut hadiah yang gantung2 (tak amik gambar plak) n wat temporary tatoo..
Nie pelamin kat umah bajau..colourful r umah nie.lain dari yg lain2 coz ceria ckit.

Okey ler,next time letak picture2 yang lagi cun..nie juz picture yang sempat snap guna kamera hanset..xbrape nice r. Tp better r kn dr xde picture langsung..


Saturday, June 18, 2011

Happy Father's Day all...

Yes,today is father's day. So, I would like to dedicated this post to my beloved abah, Abu Bakar bin Osman..I love you so much..Hope you'll get well soon..

From ur daughter,

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Nora Elena~I'm Loving it...

anyone here who doesn't watch Nora Elena the series?!! isk2, if you didn't watched it you are a bit 'rugi r kn'..hehehe..juz a ler..its ok if you didn't watch it as I believe that everyone are different from each others especially in term of interest..

So, here I would like to give some of my reviewed about this series. First of all, it already end yesterday wif a happy ending..Yeay!!! Luv..luv...luv it..hehehe

Ok, I really2 luv Seth Tan, the hero character in dis series..He so damn romantic, patient towards his wife and loving..If only i could have a husband like him..'owh!indahnya dunia'..hehehe.. I luv this series as all the character including the extra2 one, can perform very well (except Lin a.k.a new staff..hehehe.but she trying her best I think..nevermind,she juz an extra plus came out in juz 2nd n last episode..don't care much)..

The storyline is easy to be understand and quite interesting as we couldn't wait to watch it every episode.. This also contributed to my BB become slow right now..hehehe

I don't care if it is less interesting rather in the novel coz I didn't finished read it anywhere..but, if possible I will try to find this novel someday..

So, I juz can't wait to watch Stanza Cinta as the main character will be perform by my hero, Aaron Aziz of coz..hehehe.. Very2 like him as an actor..hehehe

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

X-Men 1st class & Super 8..AWESOME..

A few days ago i went to cinema wif my fren,Yana. She said that dis time we gonna watched movie 'secara we decided to watched at nite, and of coz it continue till midnite(what do u expect went we need to finished 2 movies straight away). So, firstly we watched Super 8. Actually I didn't really want to watched dis movie as I seen some of my fren in fb said that it is not worth to watch it. But Yana really2 want to watch this movie so I juz followed her. But, at the end of the day I have to admit that I luv dis movie as all of the kidz in this movie are so cute n hillarious is so funny eventhought we should be scared coz there is a monster in this movie..I think this is because the monster/alien only appear at the last part and a short while..I didn't bothered much on that plot actually..hehehe.

So, after waiting for a few minutes we take our seat to watched the next movie, X-Men 1st class..WOW..I'm so into this movie..I luv so much magneto a.k.a eric when he is still young (didn't like him as much as dis when he in old version)..hehehe..I also like the character of Prof X while he is still young but not as much as eric as he is so damn innocent. I don't understand him at all. Yup, its true that it is not good to take a revenge to someone who do somthg bad to us but if it can harm us like we can injured or died, to defend ourselve we can do that..hehehe..juz in this case not in the real world..

So, great movie. and can't wait to watch transformer...yeay!!!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Trip to Langkawi

Last week, me and my family had spend some great times in Langkawi.. We went there by flight that we took in LCCT. Actually i went to LCCT alone by bus that I took at KL Sentral and meet with all of them right before we need to checked in our luggages. So, here some of our pictures during this holiday....

We took this picture while waiting for the plane..

Already in the plane

on our 1st day in Dataran lang

In Underwater World..nice place to go especially for kids

Day 2 at Langkawi Geopark..when we got the chance to ride on cable car

Don't even know the name of this place.but it have plenty of cruise

At Galeria Perdana

Time to go home

Actually there were several other places that we visit but most of the time we're many things that i bought especially chocolate..nyum..nyum

So, that all about my trip this time..Nice place and will come to here again next time..Insyaallah